Friday 3 July 2009

STOP PRESS: lily on safari

truth be told kittens, i'm not a lily fan... well certainly not of her west ldn pop-lite anyway, but i had to post these pics up as soon as i saw them [i was looking up something for work!and didn't scroll as far as the comments because i knew they'd offend me].

this is lilz on stage at werchter in beligium yesterday - i don't know why she chose the purple loungesuit for glasto and saved this for the lowlands, maybe because she would've looked like she was trying to be GAGA? with the blunt fringe-wig look and poppin' red lippie she's so pin-up and i'm sure this brasserie is dolce&gabbana. it can't have been that hot if she's wearing leggings, so she's making a style statement that i absolutely MUST acknowledge. fur real.