Wednesday 2 September 2009

can i have a leg-up?

image: annabel
image: my-wardrobe

my dear friend annabel (who prefers pandas to leopards, but that's another story) kindly mailed me the pic aboveabove over the weekend. it was snapped at the juan maclean's cargo gig last week, during her epic fortnight-long gig-a-thon around london. we should've sponsored her. anyway, those legs belong to nancy whang, TJM's resident jumpsuit ambassador, singer and all-round good look, and she's wearing what look like EITHER animal print spats or leggings with stirrups. they were probably constructed by one of her brooklyn artist peeps. punkrock.
coincidentially or perhaps not, i've just bought the last pair of these in m/l from my-wardrobe. leopard legs are a cheat-way to jazz up a plain or otherwise leopard-less outfit OR in this case, make a whole outfit themselves.
PS. how amazing are that model's pins?? those heels must be 6inches high.