Thursday 13 August 2009

as seen on stacey's stall

image: mine
image: criminal damage

i used to always watch eastenders in the olden days - why? because of one woman: kathleen slater [and more on her when i have an hour or two]. i did catch it a few weeks ago, however, and observed a scene where bianca was taking tea in her kitchen, resplendent in a luridly hot pink shell suit jacket - a 00s take on that shiny ol' 90s puffa that she used to go to the queen vic/fight ricky/get drunk with tiffany in. watching the eastenders omnibus with sara-lee several rainy sundays ago we admired this delightful garment and on friday last week i spotted a look-a-like in the window of a whitechapel wholesaler (above) and then the internet told me where to buy the bianca original.