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hey there gals, it's that time of year when one has to choose some new summer shoes because the ones one bought last year are rotten/beyond repair/out of fashion. what's on offer for the leopard lover? i've found 2 pairs to consider...
option 1 (left): littlewoods (don't laugh) rope t-bar wedges, just £30! bargain. but aren't they like, [invoking scarjo in GHOST WORLD], little old lady shoes? yup, almost. VERDICT: the heigh
t says YES and the print is right, but the ruched toe-front says NO. option 2 (right): office helena gladiator sandal, £40 - SOLD OUT. but i did buy these a couple of weeks ago. and then sent them back. the st
raps are made of a rough faux-fur and that trying to be authentic but missing the point beige leopard splodge-print that doesn't hit the spot. oops. so what's a grrrl to do? go barefoot? wear flipflops? nope, until i find the right ones, i'm padding about in my leopard converse...